Probate Regulatory Fee Information


Fee Range

Administrating an estate costs can vary a lot. It depends on the complexity of the estate, whether we are instructed to only apply for the grant of probate or to collect and distribute the assets, the number of assets in the estate, the type of assets in an estate, the number of beneficiaries and the needs of the beneficiaries (say, if they are minors or lack capacity), tax complications or disagreements between executors.

Our hourly rates range between £120 plus VAT to £300 plus VAT depending on the experience required. A simple winding up may take 2 to 10 hours, a more complex claim may take 8 to 20 hours and very complex case between 15 to 40 hours. We will keep you advised of costs throughout a claim so that you are aware of charges.

What is Included

This depends on the claim, but will usually include:

  • Taking initial instructions, reviewing documents and advising in connection with the administration of the estate at every stage of the process;
  • Collecting financial and property asset information including indicative valuation of any assets where the information is publicly available;
  • Applying for the grant of probate, or letter of administration if there is no will;
  • Preparing the IHT forms and, where relevant, any accounts for the estate;
  • Distributing assets to beneficiaries named in a will, or the next of kin in accordance with the intestacy rules.


What is Excluded

Additional fees and costs may arise, which are not included in the above fee range. For example:

  • Probate Registry fees and office copies, estimated at £156.50;
  • Formal valuations of any asset by an expert;
  • Searches of relevant databases such as Certainty;
  • Disputes with beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries;
  • Costs for the transfer of any asset, for example registration with the land registry or any landlord on the transfer of ownership in a property.

If a matter arises that makes the winding up of the estate more complex or requires expert valuation, we will let you know.


The length of time from you instructing us to completion of the winding up of an estate is highly depended on several factors. The size of the estate, the nature of the will, the nature of the assets, and how assets are held in the estate. This period can be anything from 6 to 18 months depending on complexity the time it takes for probate to be granted.


Fee Range

inclusive of VAT

Terms and Conditions

As part of our process, we will provide you with our Engagement Terms for you to consider before instructing us.